

Total results: 246.
Determining Eligibility Not all clinical trials are right for everyone. A trial may be safe for one patient, but not for another. Each clinical trial has a protocol that contains a strict set of...
News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | Dr. Collier of the Oklahoma Heart Hospital's Heart Rhythm Institute speaks with News 9 about a new type of implantable device...
Dealing with a heart rhythm issue isn’t a challenge you should face alone. It’s one that the people around you need to know about it as well. If you’ve been diagnosed with a heart rhythm issue, you’...
News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | Oklahoma Heart Hospital's own Dr. Mohammad Ghani speaks with News 9 about Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) - a less...
Dr. Naeem K. Tahirkheli, cardiologist with Oklahoma Heart Hospital South Campus appeared on KFOR news with Linda Cavanaugh talking about the new Guardian Device. The implantable device sounds an...
National Heart Walk - April 2nd, 2014 When you join Heart Walk, you join more than a million people in 300+ cities across America in taking a stand against heart disease and helping save lives! The...
If you have recently been diagnosed with a heart rhythm disorder, you may be feeling some anxiety or fear regarding the condition. These are understandable feelings that many people experience in the...
Blood thinners, or anticoagulants, can be a lifesaving medication for many people. They prevent blood from getting too thick and prevent clots from forming, which can reduce the risk of stroke or...
Dr. Phillip Adamson, and Phil Inzinga spoke on air about clinical research happening at the Oklahoma Foundation for Cardiovascular Research, associated with the Oklahoma Heart Hospital. The following...
What is a Clinical Trial? A clinical trial, also sometimes called a clinical study or a research study, is a study conducted with human volunteers to answer specific health questions. Carefully...
